
Showing posts from February, 2015

10 Year Anniversary

Brett and I celebrated 10 years of marriage in February!  Brett planned a trip to Orlando for the weekend.  We went to Universal Studios, stayed at his aunt's hotel (and got a nice hook up), ate lots of delicious food, and went to the Orlando Improv. The weekend was SO MUCH fun.  We have a blast together, and it was so nice to be away from home.

Bedtime conversations

Caleb: is Papa the richest man in the world? Me: No Caleb: I bet if I asked Papa to buy me a car, he would get a normal one. But if I asked the richest man in the world, he would get me a fancy Nissan.

Unsolicited Advice About Unsolicited Advice

From the moment you conceive a child (or begin the process of adoption), you permanently wear an invisible sign that tells everyone you ever meet, “Give me advice, please.”   Based on the amount of unsolicited advice I’ve been given over the last decade, I am assuming this invisible sign is written in super bright neon lights.   I can’t be certain.   As a recovering people pleaser, I have some unexplainable compulsion to listen to every single piece of advice I never asked for or wanted.   Especially when I first became a mom.   I may not have followed everything I was told, but I somehow let myself to feel guilty for what I chose not to follow.   Though I have a million (that’s an exact number) examples that prove this is a terrible plan, one story stands out among the rest.   It was the time I hugged a stranger in the Target parking lot. There are a large number of parenting styles to choose from, and it's ...


My kids refer to couches by how many people they hold. Three person couch = the couch Two person couch = loveseat One person couch = chair These little sayings are stuff I don't want to forget!


Chloe: I'm making Jesus a cross for His birthday..... ......but He already knows that. Luke: Yeah, He knows everything.


Deep thoughts by Caleb Williams, age 8: "There are some kids whose brains say to put away toys when they're done playing with them. But we aren't those type of kids." Truer words have never been spoken.


Because boys represent 75% of my offspring, instead of throwing this shirt away, I decided to make a memento that perfectly shows a day in the life of a boy. This will hang in my little boys' room, to remind me of how precious they are in the midst of the wild days....because I need a lot of reminding ifyouknowwhatimean.


Caleb, after using a porta-potty for the first time (and thinking it was an outhouse): "I'm so glad I wasn't alive in the 1980s." Me: "You know we had indoor plumbing in the 1980s." Caleb: "whatever! The 1780s."