South Florida DMV

I am not sure why, but the South Florida DMV could possibly be the worst place to go ever. In Kansas, the DMV was fast, easy, and no big deal.

Down in Florida. Whoa. Totally different story.

To have any hope of getting out of there under 4 hours, you have to have an appointment. I made my appointment then went on my day (early in the morning). I get there and have a stack of necessary paperwork. They turn me away because my marriage license is a photocopy, not the original. Even though I have been married for over 5 years and my name has been changed on my current license. They tell me they will honor my appointment if I get back by 3. (If not, the next available appointment is 6 weeks away).

I was not having the best day, so for some reason, this really upset me. So I called Brett, crying. He, in turn, told our kids to hug and kiss me when I got home because I had gotten my feelings hurt. They were so sweet when I got home. But, in my desire to get the whole ordeal over with, I loaded up my kids to head back to the DMV. Brett had to leave for work, so if I wanted to get it done, I had to go with them.

So, we return. I expected the people to feel bad about having turned me away, forcing me to bring my kids back. But, no, they did not care. It actually went fairly fast, but when I went to pay, they required me to pay a late fee....because....wait for license that i had in college SEVEN years before had expired, so I had to pay a late fee. I knew it was bogus, but I did not have the emotional capacity to argue with the lady.

Fast forward a few weeks. Brett gets his car window broken out, and his wallet was stolen. Even though he had an appointment a few weeks later, he obviously had to have a driver's license. They would not honor his appointment, so his ordeal took a few hours. When he was on the way home, Chloe asked, "Did they hurt his feelings and make Daddy cry?" She totally remembered my experience. My little compassionate Chloe!

In our circle of friends, we joke that you can go to the DMV to get an idea of what hell will be like. It is THAT painful!


  1. Hi Sarah,
    Well I went to FSU as well- we probably hung out around Brad Schmidt and Dan Morris' apt or the BCM :) I live in south fla, and agree with the dmv aka hell. My husband went to renew his license and had an "appointment" it was awful just awful.... how do they get away with it? I love your funny kid stories! I used to teach and always had such good stories :) love the blog!


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