How Are You? Oh, Thanks For Asking

In case anyone is anxiously awaiting an update, I am finally able to type one!

Luke is doing great. No issues since Friday night. Yay! He is extra clingy, but his sickness has passed and now he is just spoiled from being held for like two days straight.
I am doing ok.
Monday, my surgery went great, but I was so groggy and could barely move the rest of the day. I felt worse than I did after giving birth to my children, but maybe that's because I just forget how painful that is. Or because I get to spend three days in the hospital rather than being sent home an hour after coming out of sedation.
On Monday, I was actually regretting having surgery because I was so miserable.
My friend, Ty, came over to bring dinner and talked with me for awhile. That was a great highlight!

Tuesday, I started to feel a little better, but I still could not really do a whole lot. By the end of the day, I could do things--like sit down or get in bed--without help, which was a huge improvement.

Today, I am feeling quite a bit better, except I can't really do much with the kids. The older two sit and watch TV on my computer with me in bed, but that is about it. I cannot really go near Luke because he does not understand (obviously) to not touch me. When Luke sees me, he just cries, which is so painful for me.

All in all, I am slowly but surely improving. Brett has been amazing. Taking care of the kids, the house, and me....without any complaining!! What a man! I am not sure what I will do once he returns to work because I cannot lift Luke for awhile. I guess I will just lift him when absolutely necessary?!

I am on day three of doing not much of anything. I am surprised how much I miss the "dailyness" of my life. Not being able to fix breakfast or get Luke out of his high chair or pick up toys...things that get pretty monotonous....I actually really miss. This experience has made me realize how much I truly love my everyday life. It also makes me really appreciate my health. It is so sad that you don't realize what you have until you don't have it. Fortunately, my deal is very short term, so I will soon be back to normal. Normal with a little bit better perspective!

While I am disliking this recovery very much, I am so thankful that I will not have to have the pain anymore!

Thanks for all your prayers and well wishes!


  1. I am an irregular blogger but I love it. My daughter in Sarasota is regular and she just bought a new blog design that's a template. She is

  2. So glad to see an update and hear things are going well! I will continue to pray for you and for little Luke! <3 As hard as it is, keep taking it easy!!


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