Chloe's Balleter Party


To celebrate Chloe's 4th birthday, she requested a "ballet-er" party. She uses balleter regularly in lieu of ballerina.

Miss Brittany is the best dance teacher ever! Chloe took her classes last year, and she absolutely adores Miss Brittany! Chloe was VERY excited when she found out Brittany would be leading the girls in a dance lesson. At the end, they performed a dance. The focus of the party was the sweet girls, but the brothers got to swim (the girls swam after).




The girls requested a water break....hahaha....



I am heartbroken...I video recorded the dance, but my camera was on the wrong setting and did not record correctly. It was the cutest dance! Chloe was the last one to sit down at the end of the dance (not on purpose)....soaking up the birthday attention :).

The girls are all absolutely adorable, and I was so impressed with how well they all participated.

Afterward, we enjoyed lunch, then birthday cake and gifts, of course! (Chloe asked to open gifts from the start of the party!)


Chloe picked the same cake this year as she did last year. I guess she really likes rainbows!




For some reason (I think she was mad she had to blow out candles before gifts??), she got upset, all of a sudden. Brett had to blow out her candles.


She is happy again....because it's gift time! Yay!



Chloe loved celebrating her birthday, and I am so thankful for great friends to celebrate with! I find it hilarious she chose a "girl only" party.....but of course, her girls' brothers were welcome!

I am also thankful for a home with a pool, because it makes parties so easy!

Happy 4th birthday, my sweet balleter Chloe! I adore you and am so proud to be your mama!


  1. How fun! Isn't it hilarious how little kids swarm around the birthday girl/boy and it's literally impossible to get pictures of them opening their gifts? Looks like she had a great time. What a fun idea for the ballet teacher to come.


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