Where I've Been

In early August, I kinda felt in a rut. We had nothing going on, Brett was working long days at football camps, and school hadn't started. When I have long stretches of not much to do, I feel blah. I am a doer, so when there is not a whole lot to do (and it's too hot to be outside unless you're swimming), I feel bored. Clearly, there is plenty for me to do during the day...but mundane chores are not fulfilling.

Since late August, life has been on fast forward....crazy!! Caleb's school is not that involved (about an hour a day), but it has changed our whole schedule. Usually, in the late afternoons, we play around the house and don't do much....but now that we are schooling in the mornings, I have started running errands in the late afternoon. We also sometimes play with friends in the afternoon.

Additionally, the Labor Day weekend threw me off. My parents gifted us with SCUBA diving lessons to get certified in the Keys. We had to take an online course that took about 15 hours, which we did every night for a week (leading up to Labor Day). Then, we went out on a boat (in the Keys) to do our tests. Brett is officially certified, and I officially embarrassed myself (and Brett, though he won't admit it) by puking about 40 times during the boat ride. I raised the white flag and decided maybe SCUBA diving isn't in my near future. I am going to give it another shot....but rather than take the tests on a boat, I plan to go to the beach near my house.

This is all to say....I've been busy!! I usually do not keep a busy schedule....I like my kids to have freedom to just relax and enjoy life....but life has gotten busy. I am adjusting to our new normal. And truthfully, I am thankful for full days! I do not feel like we're overdoing it, but we are doing more than usual.

I spent a few hours last night after my kids were in bed getting my life back in order.....so now I feel a little more on top of it. Hopefully I will blog more soon :)


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