2015: A Year In Review

I am not sure if I've ever been so glad for a year to be over.
I know, technically, that January 1 is just the day after December 31...but the closure of one year, and the expectation of the upcoming year is what my heart desperately needs.
2015 had many, many wonderful moments. For which I am so grateful.
My kids are all growing into these amazing little people that I become more obsessed with every day.
After a decade of diapers, I am FREEEEEEEEE!! (And now I have a third boy who can't aim in the toilet. But whatevs.)
I wrote a book.
I started a side business. And have met some amazing women.
I spoke at a couple of mom's groups (which I love!).
I am finally in a good rhythm with homeschooling.
My friendships with incredible women grew deeper and more meaningful.
I traveled a lot, which I enjoy so much.
In many ways, 2015 was an awesome year.
But, dang, it was a hard year.
Three friends of mine lost children. Which is beyond unbearable.
A couple of friends lost their marriages. Which is hard.
Our business is growing, but we've undergone a lot of changes this year...so it's been stressful and a lot of work.
The dailyness of life felt very daily a lot of days.
The hardness of my own life is very first world, but it's still hard nonetheless.

I realized that I have a little bit lost sight of what I do have...while focusing on what I don't have. A lot of ungratefulness. A lot of frustration. It wasn't my best year. It was a very stretching year. It was a very good year, in many ways! 

I am really hoping 2016 is a bit easier. I know the goal in life is not comfort. But, if I am being honest, I would like a break from the little stressors of life. 

In the end, however, I made it through. I have never changed so much in one year. I hardly recognize myself some days...so the stretching has been worth it.

I started the year focused on minimalizing my possessions, my commitments, and my life. It has been hard because I used to fill my voids with stuff (shopping, home projects, etc). And I sort of had to face feeling a lack. It was not easy but so good. My house feels lighter, and my brain feels lighter! I am thankful!!

This was my year to "do hard things", and I would say that was very much fulfilled. I ate healthier. I ran a 10K. I wrote a book. I spent more time at home. And also traveled more.

Overall, I am very thankful. Thankful for the hard. Thankful for the boring. Thankful for the hope I have in Christ that this is a new year!


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