Welcome To My New Blog

Welcome to my new blog!! My family and I recently relocated to south Florida from Overland Park, Kansas. Because July has been the month of change for me, I decided to change my blog to a new location. The real reason for the change is that my old blog (sew56.wordpress.com) looked so blah! I wanted to spice it up a bit. Also, I printed off my blog, and I plan to do so again....and it's easier to just start fresh!

My blog is called "Raising World Changers" because I truly believe I am raising children who will change the world for Jesus. As I go through the days, I try to keep that at the forefront of my mind: these sweet little ones will one day be radical followers of Christ. The dailyness of life is hilarious and fun (and sometimes long and tiring), and I want to always remember the joys of my children's younger days. I have three children: Caleb, Chloe, and Luke. They make me smile often during the day, and being a wife and mom is the BEST job on earth.

My sole purpose in blogging is to record memories that are easily forgotten. I do not journal, so this is my keepsake. It is a treasure for me to re-read things that I have long forgotten. My posts get long and probably boring for most, but this is what I want to remember!

Thanks for stopping by. I hope to be more faithful to blogging than I have been. I am finally starting to feel settled into my new life in Florida.


  1. Phew! I was worried when you mentioned your last post on your other blog that you were going to stop blogging!

    I love the title of your blog. You are such an inspiration as a momma and a woman of God!


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