Happy 9 Months Old, Luke!!

Luke is 3/4 of a year old. Wow, that has flown by.
My sweet Luke is still such an easy baby. My friend affectionately refers to him as the fake baby because he rarely cries. Seriously, he only cries when he is hungry, tired, or hurt. God's grace is very evident. I think He knew I could best handle an easy going baby!!
Luke is crawling very well and has been for awhile. He pulls to a stand and can stand alone for a few seconds. He gets into EVERYTHING! His favorite thing is to stand up and hit the television and also to turn on Brett's PS3. When we tell him no, he just laughs at us.
Luke is definitely a big boy. He goes in for his check-up tomorrow, so I am not sure of his exact stats...but he is well over 20 pounds already.
We call him Pookers. We had not come up with a good nickname yet (except for Lukey), so Brett started calling him Pookers. I thought it sounded terrible, but it has stuck! I have no idea how, but we all call him Pookers!
I adore my sweet baby. He goes with the flow and is such a sweetheart. He adores his brother and sister, and they adore him! It is so precious to watch them interact with Luke.
During naptimes, I often hear Luke laughing hysterically at Caleb. Not sure what they're doing, but I know the brotherly bond is growing stronger each day.
I cannot believe how fast this year is passing. My adorable third born is such a tremendous blessing to our family. I am so thankful that he is healthy, easy, and just plain cute!! I love my Luke!!!!

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