Quick Tip

I read a lot of blogs, so I cannot remember where I saw this recently (if you know, please tell me so I can give credit where credit is due)....but I found the best tip.

A blogger said one of the first things she does each morning is unload the dishwasher.
This task is probably my least favorite thing I have to do each day, but I took her advice. I am shocked how much better my day goes when I do this. The sink stays empty because I can put dishes straight into the dishwasher. When the sink is empty, the kitchen seems much less cluttered!

Just thought I would share that quick tip!


  1. I sooooo used to do this! Then when baby number 2 came along I switched to doing it just before bed so I would wake up with an empty dishwasher. Not my favorite thing to do either. Our mornings seem hectic especially if we have to be some where so that was the first thing I would not do to save time then it would build and build just like you said! Then If I don't have to be somewhere I LOVE LOVE LOVE snuggling my kiddos in the morning there is just something about kids in the morning they are so sweet! So naturally snuggles came before dishes..... and they built up again! :-)


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