
A few weeks ago, Caleb decided he was ready to play baseball. Unfortunately, it was too late to register for any leagues near us. Not wanting to wait until the fall, I found a place that offers t-ball lessons. It is a 9 week class, where they learn skills and scrimmage. Caleb is a reserved guy, so a small class seemed like a great transition to sports. He is actually much bolder than he used to be, but I still liked the idea of a slow introduction to sports.

Caleb absolutely LOVES his class. There is only one other kid in the class, so it is basically a private lesson. How cool.

Caleb is now obsessed with baseball. He wants to play in the backyard all the time. So cute!

Brett took him to his first lesson and snapped these pictures for me (the nervous mom waiting at home....how lame am I!)




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