Identity In Christ

To be effective in life, to see lasting change, to unconditionally love others, and to raise your kids the way you're called to, you have to know who you are in Christ.

God created each of us for a unique and intentional purpose. I tell this to my kids all the time, and the same applies to you: God has given you such a special purpose on the earth that you're the only one who can do what He has called you to do.

I would say until I was probably 27, I did not know who I was in Christ. I knew He loved me. I knew He created me. But I did understand fully who I am. Obviously, I have not arrived and still have a lot of growing to do.....but I am confident in who I am. And who I am not.

This may sound like bragging. It's not. It is purely 100% the grace of God. But the same wisdom is available to you.

In knowing your true identity in Christ, you have freedom to be all that He made you to be.

Knowing your identity, means knowing:
- You are unconditionally and fully loved by Christ. Nothing you do can change His love and affection for you; He cannot love you less and cannot love you more.

- You have unique strengths and weaknesses. Stop trying to be someone else.

- Your value comes from who God is, not who you are (or aren't).

- We will all fail, but you are not defined by failure. Or your past.

- You are not defined by anything except by Jesus, who calls you a saint (Ephesians 1:1, among others), royalty (1 Peter 2:9), wholly loved, wholly accepted, wholly forgiven (Ephesians 2:8-9, 1 John 1:9).

Until you know who you are in the depths of your core, you'll operate out of insecurity and constantly feel guilty for what you're not. Once you know who you are, of course you'll still be tempted with insecurity, but you can conquer it!!

Trying to be someone you're not will always steal from who you are!

There is such freedom in knowing who you are in Christ. Instead of beating myself up over my weaknesses, I celebrate my strengths. Instead of judging other people's weaknesses, I can see the treasure inside of them.

If you aren't confident of who you are in Christ, ask Him to show you. Read the Bible and seek out the promises of God (here is a helpful tool. I did not check out the rest of the site, but this list is great).
Take an honest look at yourself. Identify your strengths and your passions. Realize your weaknesses and be released for trying to be something your not. It goes without saying that if your weakness is something that needs to change (i.e. a sin issue), change. But if your weakness is nothing more than something you're not good at, stop trying to be someone your not.

God created you uniquely and perfectly. You are enough. You matter. Your strengths and talents were given to you for a purpose. Steward them honorably.

Dear friends, this blog does not do justice what I am trying to convey. My prayer is that Jesus will speak deeply to your heart and show you the truth of who you are.

You are wholly and completely loved and accepted by God.


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