This Is Really Happening

Tomorrow, I am going to a Homeschool Convention. I have mentioned before on this blog that I plan to homeschool, but I can hardly believe that our first day of school is in just a couple of months.

I am totally freaked out.

I have heard the Convention is overwhelming, but I am truly hoping to gain a lot of wisdom this weekend.

Our decision to homeschool our children was actually really easy. Ever since Caleb entered this world, I've felt called to educate him at home. I honestly don't know how long I will homeschool each child (maybe one year; maybe all their school years....only God knows!), but I am confident this is the way we're supposed to start.

There are many reasons (besides feeling called) we've decided to no particular order...
- I absolutely love being with my kids. I am genetically wired to be a stay at home mom. It's just the way God made me, but I've never viewed it as a sacrifice. I had no plan B. From the time I was a little girl, all I've ever wanted to be is a mom. I do not believe this is every woman's personality/calling, but it is mine. I love watching most every moment of my kids' lives.

- I love the freedom. I honestly am not sure I could get 3 dressed kids to school each morning. I can barely get out of bed before 8 am.
We also travel quite a bit (mostly to visit grandparents). I love that I can school my kids at the beach, at their Grandma's, or on an airplane.

- Brett works a lot of nights. If my kids were in typical school, they would sometimes go days without seeing him. His schedule is more flexible in the mornings, so he can see them then.

- I want to know what my children are learning and be an active part of that.

There are other reasons I want to educate my kids, but that is the short list!

There is one big problem with my desire though.....

I was never homeschooled!! I went to public school my entire life, and that is all I know (I actually had a very positive public school experience, so the decision to homeschool is not because I am against public school.)

I literally have no idea what a typical day looks like. Or really even how to teach. Caleb has workbooks he works through (because he asks to, I don't make him)....that has gone pretty well, so I am assuming it will be a natural process.

I am excited for the Convention because I will learn so much. I am sure I will be overwhelmed, but I also will be so inspired. I hope to come away with practical what to do with a 2 year old while I am teaching Caleb! Chloe will probably participate a lot, but Luke will be at a very needy stage!

When I think of going to this convention, I just laugh. My teenage self would've never guessed this is what I'd be doing a decade later!

I am open to any questions you may have about homeschooling. I don't have many answers, but I am open!

To those veteran homeschoolers (ahem, Kirstin), I would love any words of wisdom you have for a newbie like me!!


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