A Response

It is amazing what encouragement can do. Right before going to bed last night, I received the most heartfelt, kindest comment on yesterday's post. I do not think there is a greater compliment than for someone to tell me I have encouraged them in their relationship with Christ. I love the Lord more than anything, but sometimes in the dailyness of life, I feel like I am doing very little that has eternal value. So your words of kindness blew me away. I woke up cheerful and have been having an awesome day.....all because of the encouraging words from someone!

So thank you, dear friend, for writing me yesterday and sharing your heart. I am so fine with posting anonymously, but I can't write you personally.....so a public thank you is what I can do!

I do have a strong faith in God. He has been so good to me, and my life is so full because of the richness of His love. I have been walking with God for 16 years, so He has had a long time to change my heart and mind. My faith in God has not always been what it is now. For probably the first 6-7 years of following Christ, I struggled a lot. So, when you see my life now (and if you did not know me then), you see a very transformed person. It has taken time (and a lot of prayer), so be encouraged....taking the first step is HUGE. Probably the hardest part of following Christ is the initial steps.

I have been where you are. So take heart....God will be faithful to make you the person He has created you to be!! I still have so far to go, but I can honestly say giving your life to follow Jesus is the absolute best, most exciting life there is! When you realize it's not about the do's and don't's, but rather about falling in love with Jesus, that is when your life truly begins to change. Ask God to make Himself known to you in a real way. He will.

I so appreciate you taking the time to write. You blessed my heart beyond measure. Pretty soon, you'll be getting a similar email from someone who is thanking you for the role you've played in their life!

Bless you, friend!


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