Checking In

I do not like that my blogging has been a bit sparse lately. My kids are actually funnier and more entertaining than ever, but I still do not feel settled into our new home. I am not sure why...every box is unpacked, things are hung on the wall, and everything is it its place....but I still feel unsettled.

I think it's because my house is not "just right". There is still lots of empty wall space that I refuse to fill until I find something I love.

In my last two homes, I basically just filled space with inexpensive items I found without much effort. We knew both places were not long term, so I could never justify investing much into a house. But, we plan to be in this house long term, so I want to only have things I love. I still don't plan to spend too much money (but I have learned it often pays to buy quality products), but I do want to only buy things that I really want.

All that being said, I think the really unsettled feeling is just the sort of end of summer boredom that sets in. I am not actually bored, but besides Brett's work, we do not have any consistency to our weeks. The school year is more fun because we have activities to look forward to and lots of fun events that fill our weeks. I feel like my kids do better with a fuller schedule.

We start school on Wednesday. I am both excited and nervous. Caleb is SUPER excited. I have a feeling he will do well transitioning to school. He is so curious and so hungry to learn. I am not that nervous about teaching him, but I am a bit nervous how to juggle Luke. Chloe will do well sitting with us, but Luke is super active with no self control :). He's a great kid, but he's a year and a half old.....just in the exploration stage.

Anyway, that's an update on my life! Nothing too exciting going on, but I am still so thankful for our new house. I love it more each day!!! It is so peaceful and beautiful. This house works great for us. The floor plan is perfect for our family. I am still so giddy that God provided so abundantly!


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