First Day of School

We just finished our first day of school. Caleb did great! About 15 minutes in, he wanted to be done, but he continued on and did great. It was such a fun first day. I am really excited about the upcoming year.

Last night, Caleb got to pick dinner, and he chose Mickey Mouse pancakes. He spent most of the evening trying to get every treat possible by saying, "Since it's my first day of school, can I (drink chocolate milk, have dessert, stay up late, etc)?" It was really cute!!

He seemed very excited and nervous. He woke up at 4:30 am and couldn't fall asleep until 6 am, which is totally unlike him. I used to be like that on the first day of school, so I figured it had to be nerves!

He woke up today, excited to start the day! I am so thankful he is hungry to learn. I know it won't always be easy, but so far, I am having a lot of fun!

My boy on his first day. He picked out his outfit :). A nice benefit to homeschooling: it doesn't matter if he matches or not!






  1. Awesome! Those early years are so much fun!!!!

  2. I love it. And I can't lie--I wish I was there. This reminds me of our ditto filled days of playing school. Can you imagine if we had our own classroom and chalkboard?


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