The Mama

It has been awhile since I've written a Family First Friday post. The summer feels like it was like a week went SO fast. I guess that is what moving will do!

I have been thinking a lot about different topics I'd like to write. Which, by the way, if you have any ideas on topics you'd like to hear about, please contact me! I'd love that!

One idea that keeps coming to mind is the importance of being the mom you want your daughters to become and you want your sons to marry.

Chew on that, for a second.

Yikes. That is a big responsibility. And such a privilege.

Think about it: at home is where our children will learn what is "normal". I know normal is a relative term, but the world we create for them is what becomes their normal.

Naturally, our daughters will learn how to be a wife and mom from watching us. Our sons will learn how to treat a woman by how we let them treat us, and they'll learn what to expect from a wife.

Meditating on this realization has really altered my perspective on motherhood.

If you are a martyr who never takes time to nurture yourself, you are teaching your daughter to do the same....and teaching your son it is not his role to free his wife to have time away from home.

If you do not have wild dreams of what God can do through your life, your daughters will probably not dream wild dreams themselves.

If you let your son disrespect you, he will disrespect his wife.

If you are consistently "too busy" to spend time with the Lord, you can't expect your children to emulate you.

On the contrary....
If spending time with Jesus is a consistent part of your days, your children will learn how wonderfully life changing time with Him is.

If you make dating your husband a priority, your children will learn to value marriage.

If you speak highly of Dad, your kids will learn the value of respecting their spouses.

If you speak words of life to your children and encourage them to pursue their dreams, they'll be confident to do whatever the Lord has called them to do.

If you develop yourself as a woman and have a life outside of your children, your daughters will not stop living life once they birth children. They'll know children are a great blessing and a priority but not killers of dreams.

If you teach your son how a gentleman treats a lady, your future daughter-in-law will be so blessed. (And teach him to do laundry, while you're at it)

I love the saying "The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world". I love that God has entrusted us with these sweet, precious children....who will one day grow up and rule the world.
The example we set for them is who they'll become (obviously we are all believing to raise our children well, but even rebellious children tend to default to their upbringing).

In realizing that my day to day decisions effect the wife/mother my daughter will become has made me evaluate my actions, words, thoughts, and motives.

Obviously, there is SO much grace. God promises that "love covers a multitude of sins". We don't have to do it perfectly, but we are called to do it well. We can ONLY do this by God's infinite grace and love working through us!!

Part of leaving a godly legacy on this earth is setting the best possible example for our children to follow.

Be the woman and mom you want your daughter to become!!

Start living life to the fullest!


  1. WOW, that is good stuff, Sarah! I dont have a daughter, but I do have my boys and that is an awesome challenge to show my boys how to treat their future wives.

    That is actually something I have thought about a lot lately. I have been called to be a mother to boys, and that is a very special calling on my life. I feel like there are very few godly men out there and I want nothing more than to add my little men to the ranks of those godly men. How exactly to do that is the question! Pray, of course, but I think you have also hit the nail on the head with your post. To show them how to treat women by showing them how to treat me, and by treating myself well too.

    However, my boys are never getting married. They are going to stay home with me forever and ever Amen! Oh wait... is that not right? ;)

    I LOVE family first Fridays!!

  2. Sarah, your blog totally inspires me as a Christian mother and wife! I love your practical tips as well. Here's a practical question....are there any toys that your kids actually play with a lot? I'm always torn between alwus keeping them busy but also giving them time for freeplay on their own. I have a four year old and two an a half year old (both boys) and I'm reluctant to buy more toys bc they tend to get sick of them quick. Do you have any suggestions of things to keep them busy at home?? Thanks!! :)


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