
Last night before bed, Caleb asked how many more days of school were left. We were only three days in and already he was losing interest.

The curriculum I have is a bit dry for the first week, but then it gets really fun (from what I can tell). So I know that will pick up in a few days. I realized that the book I got Caleb to learn to read was not interesting him at all. I actually had not thought about it until today when we were at the library. He picked out some books that are a series that a friend recommended to me. I had honestly forgotten about them, but when I saw them, it dawned on me that I could easily change up his reading books!

Caleb will go to Classical Conversations one day a week. His first day is tomorrow. He is super excited for his "real school", as he puts it! I actually sit with him in class so I learn what I need to review at home, while Luke and Chloe have their own little class. Everyone is really excited about it.

I also signed up for a once a week library story time. It must be pretty fun because they require advance sign ups. I love having free activities!

Lastly, both Caleb and Chloe start gymnastics next week. I only let them do one extra curricular activity at a time, and I was very excited when they both picked gymnastics! An indoor activity sounds glorious about now. They both love to do gymnastics around the house, so I am sure they'll enjoy their classes.

I had been in a rut the last few weeks of summer, but now that I have a more normal routine, I am finally feeling settled into our new life in the city we live in now!

While getting everything ready for the kids' school tomorrow (laying out clothes, planning lunches, etc), I couldn't help but wonder how moms do this everyday! It is exhausting, and I only do it once a week!

Well, I am off to finish some things...I just painted a planter we have in our foyer. I am happy with the results and can't wait for it to dry to put my plants back in! Yes, I, Sarah Williams, have real plants in my house! I googled "hardest plants to kill" and found some really fun plants that promise to survive even my black thumb!


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