Things Are Changing

On Wednesday, we will be entering a new phase of life. School.


Life without school has been so fun! I love our carefree days. Sure, we have activities, playdates, errands, etc....but there is nothing we have to do.

But that is all about to change.

I am sad that this chapter of my life is closing. It means my children are only getting older, and it feels like I have a lot more responsibility. Up until now, I have only had to keep them alive, fed, and clothed. Now, I actually have to plan our days, prepare school work, and function before 9 am.

Though part of me is mourning the end of our "freedom", I am SO excited to enter this new chapter of life. More importantly, Caleb is SO ready and excited to start school. He's been asking me for weeks when he's starting. I know it's not quite as dramatic as the first day of traditional school, but it will definitely change our days.

I was actually a kid who loved school (until I burned out around my junior year of high school...the rest of high school and college were not lovely), so I get super excited about all school nights, worksheets, learning, chalkboards, etc. As a homeschooler, it does not look much like traditional school (in many ways), but since Caleb doesn't know any different, he is just as excited as if he were going to "real school", as he calls it!

Caleb will go to "real school" one day a week, but they provide all their even that is not traditional. Plus, I have to sit in on his classroom, so obviously that's not typical of school.

I feel like starting school will actually make weekends feel like weekends, rather than just another day of the week. It will be fun to look forward to breaks.
Also, Caleb and Chloe are getting to the age where they need some major structure. If they get to play for hours without much guidance from me, they fight and get cranky. However, if I have a few fun things planned throughout the day, they do much better. So having school work each day will be a good thing.

We are starting Wednesday because I want a short week to get acclimated to our new normal. I am not sure if that is more for me or for Caleb, but that is my decision.

If my blog is quiet for awhile, you'll know why! I may blog more, who knows....sometimes when I have a full schedule, I actually accomplish a lot more. Go figure!

Anyway, feel free to pray for me as we start school. I am so excited and pretty nervous. I know it will be great, but I am anxious to get some experience under my belt so it is not quite as overwhelming.


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