If you have been reading my blog long, you know I shamelessly brag about my children. I know its a completely unattractive trait, but I adore them so much that I can't help it. They are all so different yet so amazing and wonderful.
My sweet baby is so awesome. Barely a day goes by that someone doesn't say to me "I just love him. He is so cute." Luke has the most infectious personality for a kid his age, whose only word is "ball". People just love him. He makes the most hilarious faces.
Luke is such a snuggler. He loves to be held, and when you pick him up, he hugs you and lays his head on your shoulder. He does this to everyone, but people are always so flattered by it and love it.
I call Luke a caveman because he is fearless. He climbs on everything and jumps off everything.
He is seriously so great. Luke truly carries so much favor.
He knows how to get what he wants. When he wants something, he points and occasionally screams. Without talking, he gets exactly what he wants. If I don't give it to him, he screams and screams and screams.
Luke refers to everything as "ball" but actually say quite a few words. The pointing and screaming is working, though, so he has no real incentive to learn words :).
Just like my other two, Luke brings so much joy to my life. He is adorable beyond words.
I mean, seriously, how can you not love this??

I could have written that post about Ben!! How funny that they are so similar! Hope you are doing well :)