I cannot say enough how thankful I am to have a pool. I love to swim, and my kids love to swim! I am surprised how little it has effected our water/electric bill.
I snapped some fun pictures while my kids were playing last week....

This boy is such a joy...he makes me smile....

Trying to get a good picture of my three cuties, but they weren't so into it (can you tell? haha)

Luke gave up on the group pic

Caleb can swim without floaties, but when he jumps in, he likes to wear them! This was taken after a cannonball.

I snapped some fun pictures while my kids were playing last week....

This boy is such a joy...he makes me smile....

Trying to get a good picture of my three cuties, but they weren't so into it (can you tell? haha)

Luke gave up on the group pic

Caleb can swim without floaties, but when he jumps in, he likes to wear them! This was taken after a cannonball.

That's so awesome you guys have a pool! Seems like a must have if you live in Florida.