Created by God

I have the awesome privilege of writing (along with my friend, Abigail) bi-monthly devotional for our wonderful MOMs group. October's theme is creativity.

This is the devo I wrote.....

I love the creativity of God. People-watching is a hobby of mine, and when I do this, I am most amazed by how creative God was when designing each of us. There are no two people who look alike. In all of time, God has not had to replicate a single person. His creativity does not run out. The same is true for the incredible gifts He has put in each of us: no two people have been given the same set of strengths.

I tell my kids each night before they go to bed is “You are so important to Jesus that He created you for a purpose so unique that no one else in the world could do it as well as you.” The same is true for you, sweet mama!

Psalm 139:13 says God “knit me together in my mother’s womb.” No matter what circumstance you were born into, God designed you to do something significant in the earth and only you have the capability to fulfill that calling the way He planned.

You matter. Your life matters. You are a valuable part of the body of Christ and finding your identity in Him is so important. Trying to be someone else will only frustrate you, but discovering what unique gifts God has given you will allow you to become the woman God intended you to be. As you find your true identity in Christ, He will show you creative ways to honor Him with your life.

Just as God has creatively designed each of us with our own unique purpose, creativity is one of the greatest gifts He has given us to parent our children.

Whether you have one child or five children, each child is unique and has different needs. While it is challenging to figure out what each child needs, God promises He will give wisdom to anyone who asks (James 1:5). Prayerfully seeking God for creative ways to love our children well is a great gift we can give them.

Ask God, “How can I love my child well today?” For one child, it may be letting him stay up late to spend one-on-one time with you. For another child, it may be putting make-up on her while you get ready in the morning. There are so many ways to show children how much you love them. If you aren’t quite sure what matters most to your children, pray for wisdom. Our creative God desires for us to be creative, as well.

Jesus loves you so much. He wants us to understand how creatively He designed us and how we can use our creativity to love our children well.

I would encourage you to read Psalm 139 to understand just how precious you are in God’s eyes.

Grace to you on this journey of motherhood! You are wholly and dearly loved!


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