My Husband Makes Me Laugh

Of all the things I adore about Brett, his ability to make me laugh until I cry on a regular basis is probably my favorite. His humor diffuses tense situations, and he is just hysterically funny.

I love to laugh, and I am so thankful God gave me a funny, funny guy.

This story will probably not entertain anyone else (because I am not writing out the whole conversation, but it made me laugh so hard that I just want to remember it always):

A few nights ago, we were talking before bed. He's been watching a TV show about zombies and started sharing his theory about zombies.....and a detailed account on how he would survive in the event that zombies take over the world.
For like 5 minutes, he was completely serious in his account, and I was hiding my face....trying not to laugh. I actually thought he was serious. He went into such detail that I thought he had really thought this thru.
Finally, I could take it no longer and burst out laughing. He started laughing, too, and said, "I wondered how long you were going to believe my story."

I laughed and laughed and laughed. Normally, I can tell when he's being funny (which a lot of people can't, which makes for some really awkward moments in life), but this time, he seemed totally serious. It was out of character for him, but I still totally fell for it.


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