It's A.....BOY!!!

By now, if you are my friend in real life, you know we are expecting a BOY!!

And, boy, was I TOTALLY wrong. I 100% thought I would be having a girl. This pregnancy was very girl-like (craving veggies, not as sick as I was with my boys, etc). Clearly, that was just God having a funny sense of humor and wanting to surprise me.

We found out yesterday that we are having a boy! And, I have to say, I am so excited. When the ultrasound tech announced we'd be adding a boy to our crew, Brett and I both burst out in laughter and were so happy!! Laughter because we were so wrong, but also because we were overjoyed at the thought of another little man joining us.

I will post pictures as soon as I scan them. Compared to my other ultrasounds in the past, the pictures aren't as good....but in the room watching him (HIM!) on the TV screen, I got some good views. He was face down most of the time, so it was hard to catch a profile picture. But he was not ashamed to show his peeper....we saw that a few times! I actually was impressed with how much I could decipher on the screen (compared the my 1st ever ultrasound where I could barely tell anything). I thought I spotted the boy part before she even said it!

We found out early in the ultrasound that we're having a boy! The whole time, I just kept laughing at how off I was. But it also made it really fun because I truly was surprised. Life is more fun when you're completely shocked (in a good way) from time to time!

We have no clue what we're naming this cutie, but we have some time to think about it.

Coming June 15, another awesome, world changing Williams boy will enter this world! As my friend, Emily, put it so perfectly: "we are so blessed to be raising the great men of the next generation". After reading that, I could not help but pray and thank God for the awesome privilege of raising His future solid, godly men.


  1. Yay yay yay! I'm so glad I'm a real life friend and knew this news :) Your kids are soooo cute! Can't wait to see what this next one is like!


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