
Last week, I had an emotionally off week. I was finally feeling better, and unfortunately, I just totally overscheduled my week. It was all absolutely wonderful things, but just too I was exhausted and emotionally empty!! My little sister was in town for a few days...we went to the state fair...we had company over for dinner twice (college students then a guy who coaches with Brett)...I scheduled like 4 playdates....and tried to fit in school. Just too much for one week! Oh yeah, Brett was gone like 3-4 nights of the week (just different ministry stuff).

During this busy week, I had a deadline to meet for a devotional I write once every other month. Usually I love to write, but this month, due to exhaustion and my resulting bad attitude, it was tough. But, praise God, I powered through. The night I started to write it, I was absolutely way too tired. To relieve the stress of having writer's block, I cleaned out my pantry (I am so weird).

I did not realize how bad my pantry had become!!! It was awful.

I took a before and after because I knew it would be a nice transformation. So far, my new look has stayed for a few days, so I think the organization helped keep it in tact better, as well!




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