Chloe's Room

Even though we are having a boy, he and Chloe will share a room. The boys' room is bigger, so eventually, the three boys may all share a room....but for now, Chloe really really wants the baby to be with her, so we changed her room to fit the crib. Truthfully, her queen bed was originally our guest room bed in Kansas (I didn't totally love it), and it was just way too big for the room. So even though she will most likely not share a room forever, I am really glad we redecorated her room! It looks SO much cuter, and she has way more space.

I think I mentioned, my friend, Robyn, gave me all of the bedding (her girls redecorated their room over Christmas to older decor and gave me the old stuff...its all Pottery Barn and SO cute) and the wall decor to match!! She also gave me a furniture piece with baskets that perfectly completes the room! What a huge blessing! I am so thankful, and Chloe adores her girls, which makes her love her new room all the more!

This is the before....and here is the after....






White furniture is my favorite for little girls, and I am so happy with the results. Not investing much (except the furniture, which I bought on very inexpensive but it's real wood. I was so surprised at the quality!) makes the redecorating even more fun!!


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