
You may have noticed some changes to blog....unless you are like me and read blogs via Google Reader.

I like change.  I thrive on change.  I know a lot of people are creatures of habit, and while I like routine, life stays fresh with change.  Except for my family....that will remain constant :).  I do not need to change my husband or kids!

My old blog name was hard to remember, so I decided to change it!!  The new one is way easier: my name + 6 people in my family!  With a name as common as Sarah Williams, it is hard to find an easy domain name, so I am quite excited this one was available!

This will still be a blog about my future world changers.  They are amazing and wonderful, and I still fully plan to brag about them enough to annoy you.  I am their mom; that's my job!  While I still know my kids will change the world, "I'm raising worldchangers" was not the phrasing that I wanted to convey.  I never truly loved the domain name, because I know that it is Jesus who captures my kids' hearts and will be the One who allows them to reach their destiny in Him.
I am so thankful to play a part, and I pray that Brett and I raise our kids the best we can.  But, in the end, it is God who changes them and equips them to change the world.

I am excited for the season of life I am in right now, and I am also excited to dream with God for the adventures that await.

God is so good.  I am so thankful for the family He has given me, and I will continue to use my little corner of the internet to capture our daily memories that add up to a full, hilariously fun life!

Join me.  (Or for those who have been with me since the xanga days, continue with me!)


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