
Showing posts from November, 2012


Brett and my little sister, Lylia  Chloe's outfit one day (she is also wearing colorful tights that you can't see)


Chloe turned a pair of tights into a hat for Levi.  It made me laugh so hard!

Chloe's Presentation Pics

At CC, the kids have to do an oral presentation each week. Chloe LOVES to prepare for hers (while executing it is a different story: she is beyond cute but gets so soft spoken and shy). For the last presentation, she took pictures of all of her favorite Christmas things: Her stocking: She has a tree in her room:  (She brought in the tree as a visual object)  My mom's Dept 56 stuff: /> With an ornament (she could not remember the word "ornament", LOL) Each year, my kids get an ornament with their picture on it. This was hers a few years ago:  The tree:   

Classical Conversations

For our CC Thanksgiving celebration, each class dressed as a different ancient country and brought food from that country.  Caleb's class was Ancient Greece, and Chloe's class was Ancient Egypt. Both of my kids did great in their performance: both with a history sentence and the tin whistle. Earlier in the day at rehearsal:  Chloe's class at CC:


I'm toying around with idea to spend 2013 doing something new each week (that I've never done before). I already have a pretty full plate, so maybe I will make it once a month?! I have felt like I'm in sort of a rut lately. Life is very good and full but just sort of routine. I'd prefer that to awful, but as a homeschooling and stay at home mom to four kids, my life is about almost everyone/everything but myself. I love the life I've chosen, but it can feel monotonous. Ordinary days are so awesome in a lot of ways but I want to add some spice to my life! Spending time doing something novel will be a way to add spontaneity to my days. I've come up with some things to do, and we'll see if this pans out. Ideas: - go off the social media grid - read through the Boxcar Children with my kids - cook every meal from scratch - make a craft a day - no sugar - no cleaning my house (I'm scared of this one) - either make my Pinterest pins or delete them - switch as m...


For some reason, Caleb has been sleeping with Luke lately. I'm not sure if he's scared or what, but a couple nights a week, they sleep like this: - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Best friends: Caleb and Drew

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Caleb and Chloe had a great experience with Upward Basketball: Brett always stuck his tongue out when he played football, so this makes me smile :) And the peanut gallery... (Brett does this thing called "whisker footing"....if he hasn't shaved in a few days and his facial hair is itchy, he "whisker foots" the kids....they love it!  Luke is doing it to Levi!)

Happy 5 Months to Levi!!

I cannot believe how fast this 5 months has flown by. Levi is such a sweet baby.  He smiles so much.  He is content.  He sleeps pretty well (naps well and wakes 2 time a night).  My sweet boy is so awesome!!  He loves his siblings, loves his pacifier, and generally is an easy baby! I adore this sweet baby.... He likes to "fly": P.S. I couldn't believe I took all of these with a booger (near his eye...he had just woken up). Such is life :).


Turkeys with my turkeys.... - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

The Park

Digging the outfit :) - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone