My Thanksgiving Manifesto

I hate turkey.
Stuffing kinda grosses me out.
What is that cranberry, uh, stuff?
Green bean casserole just messes up green beans.
Pie is my least favorite dessert on the planet.

So you can imagine how much I love Thanksgiving.

Let me say: I love Thanksgiving. I value gratitude. I love family. I love pausing to reflect on God's goodness.

The Thanksgiving meal? Not so much.

A few years ago, I brought this up to my family. Turns out my family agrees! We declared a holiday of eating delicious food!!

Two years ago, we ate amazing crab cakes on the beach.

This year, we are eating lobster, steak, and other deliciousness at my parents oceanfront home in the Keys (aka my favorite place on earth).

Lobster, steak, and the like on the ocean?? Turkey, you are officially dead to me.

Well, you've been dead to me for years now, but my family has jumped on board.

People may doubt my loyalty to America. But you know full well that the other 364 days of the year, you would choose steak over turkey. I mean, c'mon, turkey?? Eww.

Brett doesn't so much understand the ways of my family (you should've seen his face our first year of marriage when I suggested we eat out for Thanksgiving), but I think he secretly enjoys the food. Our traditions are in the lack of traditions, but that has become a tradition.

That, my friends, is how I do Thanksgiving.

What about you?? What's your thoughts on turkey and stuffing??

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Oh my gosh I am the same way! Not a big fan of T-Day food. I would totally be on board for your Keys meal.


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