
It has been a fun week at our house.

Caleb learned to ride a bike today!!  Caleb's personality is such that he usually only does things when he can excel at them.  When he learned to walk, he could walk across the room.  He walked late-ish, but when he learned to do it, he could do it stumbling around.  He is that way in so many areas of life.  He may do something seemingly late, but he does it well when he decides he's ready.  

Early in his life, the Lord told me to allow Caleb to grow at his own pace, not to pressure him.  When I felt this thought from God, I did not really understand what it meant.  But it has proven true over and over.

So, a few months ago, I took Caleb's training wheels off of his bike.  He gave it a whirl but decided he was not ready to learn to ride his bike.  I did not pressure him, but I did not put the training wheels back on (I don't pressure but I also try not to hinder him from growing).  Last night, he said, "Mom, can we go outside and practice my bike again?"  

Within 15 minutes, he was doing well.  He was still a bit nervous, but I could tell he was starting to get the hang of it.  We practiced for about 20-30 minutes until the mosquitoes came out (at dusk).  

This morning, he asked if he could practice again.  Within 5-10 minutes, he was competently riding his bike.  We went to the park this evening, and he rode it for over an hour around a path.  He is so proud, and I am so happy for him!!  

While at the park this evening, Chloe learned to do the monkey bars on her own.  I think gymnastics is going to be the sport she chooses to focus on.  She absolutely loves it....she does gymnastics all over the house.  I know I am her mom, but she seems really good at it.  She taught herself to do a handstand into a bridge (kind of like a front walk over but she ends in a bridge rather than coming all the way up).  

She is so cute.  She said to me today, "Can you, at least, sign me up for gymnastics so I can practice before I sign up for the Olympics?"  

Luke's vocabulary is expanding daily, and he is so hilarious.  He does not always use kind words.  While he does get corrected, it is also funny to me.  He says, "You meanie.  No, you nice."  

Levi has started eating adult food in little bites!!  I just bought a bunch of baby food a few weeks ago, so I am going to finish it off....then we will be BABY FOOD FREE!!!!! I hate baby food, so this will be a welcome milestone!!  


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