Luke, Age 4

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My sweet Luke turned 4 recently.  I am waiting to do his photo shoot because he has a random ouchy on his face.

Luke, who we affectionately call Pookers, is so so awesome.  He is at that super cute, I just wish I could bottle the cuteness, phase.  He makes me laugh often.  Pook is all boy: he dreams of the day he can hunt and play sports.  Before he could talk, Luke was serious, but now that he has words, he is hilarious and silly.

Lukey is sweet and spicy.  He loves to snuggle, says such sweet things, and is so precious....but he is picky, and when he doesn't get his way, he is mean and strong-willed.  As he gets older, the spicy parts are fewer, but I can't help but even laugh at that because he is just so so so cute.  He HATES to be called cute.  Luke prefers cool :).

This boy is a creature of habit.  He likes the same routine every day.  At night, we have the same bedtime routine.  He seems to be an introvert.  He loves to be home and isn't a huge fan of people (he loves his close friends, though).  He is not shy, though.

Luke is just a blast.  His brothers and sister adore him.  Brett and I can't get enough of him.  He is so precious to Levi.  Luke doesn't love kisses, but he will give Levi "sugars" and is just a great big brother.  Luke and Caleb wrestle a lot.  Luke seems to enjoy irritating Caleb, but they're great buddies.

My Pook Pook loves to play pretend.  He can often be found talking to himself....playing with his guys and toys.  He actually talks a lot throughout the day.  He and Chloe both like pretend, so they play together a lot.

Luke LOVES his siblings.  He is definitely one of the middle children, as he loves having his family around.

I adore Pookers more than I could ever express.  Even when he is his picky self, demanding his own way, I just love him so very much!  He is beyond cute (and cool).

I am so thankful for such a wonderful, precious, amazing boy.


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